Short biography alberto florentinos worksheet
Alberto S. Florentino is interpretation author final playwright designate the illustrious The Universe is highrise Apple.
Available Formats
Padada, Davao del Sur
Duration: 1 session; 50 minutes
Learning Domain: English Literature
I. Objectives: At the end of the session, the students must be able to:
a. Discuss the issues presented in the text.
b. Appreciate the values presented in the story.
c. Make their own version of the ending of the text.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: “Oli Impan” by Alberto Florentino
Teaching Strategy: Lecture Method, Group Dynamics
Resources: A Mindanao Reader: Philippine Literatures
Material/s: teacher-support materials, Visual Aids,
III. Procedures
1. Preliminaries
a. Opening prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Reminders
2. Review
Ask the students the following questions.
3. Motivation
Title: Puzzle
The teacher will group the students into five.
Each of the five groups will be given a puzzle.
The puzzles are pictures of the themes of the story which are:
1. Inequality
2. Friendship
3. Poverty
4. Christmas
5. Innocence
These themes will soon be used in analyzing the story.
4. Lesson Proper
Lesson Presentation: “OLI IMPAN” by: Alberto Florentino
A. Activity: Reading activity - OLI IMPAN
Pre-Reading : Group the class into two. Each group will be assigned a
Title: The Dancers
Playwright: Alberto S. Florentino, Jr.
Year Published:
Genre: Drama
1. Setting (where the action takes place):
The setting of the play was on a house of a poor family on the outskirts of the city.
2. When is it set?
The play was set in , a time when five pesos was enough to feed a small family.
3. The plot:
The play is about a poor family struggling to have a better life. The father lets his eldest daughter, Rita, to dance in a bar near their place just to earn money. Tony, the eldest son, drives a jeepney during the day while the mother works in the market. The father of the family is so lazy that he does not work to help the family, instead he encourages another daughter to dance in the bar just like her sister. Even if his wife disagrees with the idea he still insists to take Nenita, his daughter, to the bar and work there as a dancer. His wife cannot do something about it when she came home one night and her poor Nenita is taken by her sister in the bar to be a dancer.
4. Characters: Write down the names of the main characters, the role of each one in the story and 2 or 3 adjectives to describe them.
Tomas: He is the father of the family wh