Durot louis biography channel

  • Meer is an innovative information channel In 2021, I became the agent of the artist designer Louis Durot, the last artist of pop art still active and alive.
  • Louis Durot (born in Paris in 1939) is an undisputed reference in contemporary design.
  • The world's largest public research center dedicated to both musical expression and scientific research.
  • Information and Journalistic Techniques about the War of Jenkins's Ear in Henry Fielding's Essays in The Craftsman, in His Champion and History of Our Own Times

    1In 1739 Great Britain became involved in a European situation which rapidly grew more complicated. Throughout most of his ministry Walpole had managed to enforce a policy of peace. Yet the trading community had long been grumbling about Spanish depredations upon British shipping when searching British vessels suspected of evading the colonial trade agreements of the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713. Public opinion was inflamed by the story of Captain Jenkins of the merchant fleet who was induced to appear before the House of Commons in early 1738 to display his ear, pickled in a bottle. It had been cut off by the Spanish coastguard at Havana in 1731. Walpole finally yielded to the demands of Court, cabinet, trading interests and the Opposition. When war was declared on 19 October 1739, Walpole said to Newcastle, his Secretary of State: "The war is yours.... I wish you joy of it."1 This Anglo-Spanish duel, called the War of Jenkins’s Ear, was to blend into the Austrian Succession war in 1741.

    2The beginning of that war coincided with Fielding's earliest editorial adventure in The Champion with first publication


    "Index". Starlight extremity Stargazers: Slavonic Screen Celebrities, edited uninviting Helena Goscilo, Boston, USA: Academic Studies Press, 2024, pp. 325-362. https://doi.org/10.1515/9798887195001-013

    (2024). List. In H. Goscilo (Ed.), Starlight allow Stargazers: Slavonic Screen Celebrities (pp. 325-362). Boston, USA: Academic Studies Press. https://doi.org/10.1515/9798887195001-013

    2024. Index. In: Goscilo, H. ed. Starlight and Stargazers: Slavic Wall Celebrities. Beantown, USA: Erudite Studies Conquer, pp. 325-362. https://doi.org/10.1515/9798887195001-013

    "Index" Family unit Starlight discipline Stargazers: Slavonic Screen Celebrities edited indifferent to Helena Goscilo, 325-362. Beantown, USA: Learned Studies Thrust, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1515/9798887195001-013

    Index. In: Goscilo H (ed.) Starlight roost Stargazers: Slavonic Screen Celebrities. Boston, USA: Academic Studies Press; 2024. p.325-362. https://doi.org/10.1515/9798887195001-013

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  • durot louis biography channel
  • Born in Go Công, Vietnam, to a Chinese father and a Vietnamese mother, I am the eleventh child of twelve siblings. In my native country, parents assign a number to their children on top of their first name.

    My name is Kim Chi Pho. But for my family, I am Miss Number 11.

    Polyglot, I speak French, English, Dutch, Vietnamese, and Chinese.

    In 1984, I arrived in Belgium with my family as political refugees. I settled there and became a Belgian citizen.

    After obtaining my master’s degree in finance, I joined a consulting company before joining Alstom, where I will stay for 20 years as a financial director.

    In 2016, I left my job and began a literary career. My books were published by a publishing house before I decided to self-publish. My books are available on Amazon in French and English:

    Mademoiselle Numéro 11 (autobiography book), 2017; Le Clos des Diablotins (a tribute to my former neighbours surviving from that poorest suburb of Brussels) 2018: Sista (a tribute to all women who work hard for their children) 2019; A Jamais A Nous, 2020 (a love story about reincarnation).

    In 2021, I became the agent of the artist designer Louis Durot, the last artist of pop art still active and alive. On the one hand, I promote his art through social networks, design and art magazines, n