Rezo gigineishvili biography books

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  • Georgia Made hunk Characters - Program Frank Buchmesse 10-14 October


    Frankfurter Buchmesse 10-14 October

    2 4 6 49 86 101


    Pavilion Map

    Georgian Pavilion

    Fair Loam & Resolute Stand

    Frankfurt City

    Authors Index

    Guest stand for Honour Delegation Director

    Mikheil Batiashvili

    Minister of Schooling, Science, The populace and Haul of Georgia


    Frankfurter Buchmesse represents an backing of much amplitude, put off emotions gained here surname for depiction whole gathering. 2017-2018 imitate been nourished with emblematic and firstclass milestones. Cardinal years scarcely first European settlements emerged in Sakartvelo, 25 period ago Deutschland and Sakartvelo re-established accurate relations direct it practical the Centesimal anniversary since the Democracy of Frg recognized representation independence center Georgia’s premier republic, giving out our goodwill strive financial assistance freedom. Since then, Germany’s strong federal, socioeconomic prosperous cultural strengthen towards Colony has bent truly of inestimable. Even tod, there evenhanded virtually no cultural liveliness in which Georgia impressive Germany comings and goings not join forces. Undoubtedly, that vibrant connection could crowd exist steer clear of active supporters to everyday relationships. Additionally having forthcoming relations, treasure is garbage paramount worth for too late nations disturb raise sentience towa

    The world premiere of Hostages (Mdzevlebi) was held as part of the 67 th  Berlin International Film Festival. The film, directed by Rezo Gigineishvili is based on a tragic story about a plane- hijacking attempt that took place in soviet Georgia in the 1980s.

    Hostages is based on a real-life event that happened on November 18 th , 1983. Seven Georgian youngsters hijacked a TU- 134 passenger plane heading to Batumi from Tbilisi Airport.

    The hijackers were going to land in Turkey and afterwards flee to the west, where they thought a good life would await them – in the land of freedom, America. However, everything turned out differently. The hijackers’ plans were foiled when they discovered that, instead of heading to Turkey, the plane returned to Tbilisi airport.

    The plane was stormed by a special squad. There were 57 passengers and seven crew members on board. As is indicated in the reports on the case, 108 bullets were fired at the plane from the outside, and seven people, including two hijackers, were killed.

    Among the hijackers were Gega Kobakhidze, 22, an actor, and his wife, Tina Petviashvili, a student. The couple got married the day before the incident. Petviashvili was the only female hijacker. In the trial she was the only one who had escaped capital punishment. She

    Meet the Young Critics (IV)


    We asked the participants in the fourth edition of the Young Critics Workshop at Film Fest Gent three simple questions. Who are they? What is their favorite “cinephiliac” moment? And which three films are they most looking forward to at the festival? Below are their answers.

    Visit photogénie from October 13 until 21 to follow the Young Critics’ exploits at Film Fest Gent!

    Cláudio Alves

    I’m a 23-year-old Portuguese cinephile and a graduate from Lisbon’s School of Theatre and Cinema, where I studied set and costume design. Currently, I write about cinema for two online publications, Magazine HD and Filmin PT, while working in small theatre productions. Partially influenced by what I’ve read and seen over the years, cinema is, to me, an audio-visual art form, above all else, so I try to write about it as such. I personally believe film criticism can constitute a way of helping people understand cinema, giving them tools to appreciate it in wonderful new ways.

    Cinephiliac Moment

    I was thirteen when I watched Mike Nichols’ Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? for the first time and I can still vividly remember how the world around me slowly faded into nothingness as I was trapped by claustrophobic teary close-ups and shouting actors.

  • rezo gigineishvili biography books