Achille claude debussy biography books
Claude Debussy
Books about Claude Debussy and his music
Lederer VictorDebussy: The Quiet Revolutionary (Unlocking the Masters Series No. 13) Amadeus Press, ; ISBN ; pages Victor Lederer explores the sophistication, refinement and inspirations of Debussy's music, pointing out subtleties that otherwise could take years of careful listening to fully appreciate. Includes a full-length CD of the maestro's masterworks. Price indication: $ |
Marie-Claire RohinskyThe Singer's Debussy Rosen Pub Group, ; ISBN X; pages Price indication: $ |
Elie Robert, SchmitzThe Piano Works of Claude Debussy Dover Publications, ; ISBN ; pages Part biography, part criticism and part analysis, this fascinating study of one of music’s greatest geniuses is above all an authoritative commentary on the entire corpus of Debussy’s work for solo piano. Written with special insights for the performer. Price indication: $ |
Claude DebussyPrelude to "the Afternoon of a Faun": An Authoritative Score Mallarme's Poem, Backgrounds and Scores, Criticism and Analysis (Critical Scores) W. W. Norton & Company, ; ISBN ; pages This is a study score plus a comprehensive body of tools for the study of the work. The book features: A score embodying the best available musical text Historical background • Sonic Explorer topmost Visionary • Claude Debussy: A Critical BiographyEnglish translation and revised edition of the most comprehensive and reliable biography of Claude Debussy.
François Lesure's "critical biography" of Claude Debussy (Fayard, ) is widely recognized by scholars as the most comprehensive and reliable account of that composer's life and career as well as of the artistic milieu in whichhe worked. This encyclopedic volume draws extensively on Debussy's complete correspondence (at that time unpublished), a painstaking tracking of contemporary reviews and comments in the press, and an examination of other primary documents-including private diaries-that had not been available to previous biographers. As such, Lesure's book presents a wealth of new information while debunking a number of myths that had developed over the years since the composer's death in The present English translation and revised edition, by Debussy authority Marie Rolf, augments Lesure's numerous notes with several thousand new ones by Rolf, providing more precise information oncrucial and sometimes contentious points. It also reflects Debussy scholarship that has appeared since , updating Lesure's seminal work. Rolf's translation-the first ever-will make Lesure's findings accessible to scholars, musicians, and music |