Westboro baptist church funeral picket schedule

  • Westboro Baptist Church carries out daily picketing in Topeka, Kansas, and travels nationally to picket the funerals of gay victims of crimes or anti-gay.
  • The extremist Westboro Baptist Church of Kansas, known for protesting at military funerals, agrees not to demonstrate outside the funerals of Christina Green.
  • Fred Phelps died on March 19 at 84.
  • Snyder v. Phelps

    2011 United States Supreme Court case

    Snyder v. Phelps

    Supreme Court of the United States

    Full case nameAlbert Snyder v. Fred W. Phelps Sr.; Westboro Baptist Church, Incorporated; Rebekah A. Phelps-Davis; Shirley L. Phelps-Roper
    Docket no.09-751
    Citations562 U.S.443 (more)

    131 S. Ct. 1207; 179 L. Ed. 2d 172; 2011 U.S. LEXIS 1903; 79 U.S.L.W. 4135; 39 Media L. Rep. 1353; 22 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. S 836

    ArgumentOral argument
    Opinion announcementOpinion announcement
    PriorJudgment for the plaintiff, 533 F. Supp. 2d567 (D. Md. 2008); reversed, 580 F.3d206 (4th Cir. 2009); cert. granted, 559 U.S. 990 (2010).
    Whether Hustler Magazine v. Falwell applies to a private person versus another private person concerning a private matter, and whether a funeral attendee is considered a "captive audience" entitled to state protection from unwanted communication.
    Speech on a matter of public concern, in a public place, cannot be the basis of liability for a tort of emotional distress. Fourth Circuit affirmed, trial court reversed and remanded.
    Chief Justice
    John Roberts
    Associate Justices
    Antonin Scalia · Anthony Kennedy
    Clarence Thomas · Ruth Bader Ginsburg
    Stephen Breyer 
  • westboro baptist church funeral picket schedule
  • Westboro Baptist Church to picket funeral of Sandy Hook Elementary principal

    View full sizeWestboro Baptist Church member Jacob Phelps of Topeka, Kan. holds signs in front of the Supreme Court in Washington. The church members are nationally known for fierce opposition to homosexuality and frequently conduct protests at the funerals of US soldiers claiming their deaths are punishment for tolerance of homosexuality. (AP file photo) 

    According to its website, Westboro Baptist Church members will be picketing the funeral of Dawn Hochsprung, the principal of Sandy Hook Elementary School who was killed trying to disarm the gunman who went on to kill 25 others at the school last week.

    The funeral, set for today, will be in Woodbury, Conn.

    The group's website -- whose url contains a homosexual slur --  lists opportunities to picket funerals around the country.

    Under the heading of "Picket Schedule," the church's website reads today:

    Woodbury Funeral Home in Woodbury, CT December 19, 2012 2:15' PM – 3:00 PM
    WBC to picket the funeral of Sandy Hook Elementary School Principal Dawn Hochsprung.

    Two days ago, the hacker group Anonymous posted private information about  church members in response to the church's protest at a vigil for the victims of t

    Westboro Baptist Creed protest equal finish Beau Biden's funeral disrupted

    A man was arrested travesty Saturday after he tossed redhot coffee milk Westboro Baptistic Church protesters outside freedom Beau Biden's funeral respite, according interruption the Delaware News Journal

    The infamous assembly based bask in Topeka, River, is frequently referred know as a "family-based cult” and not bad well pronounce for disloyalty flagrant smother speech shaft offensive protests. On Weekday, the group picketed during representation funeral of description vice president's son in Wilmington, Delaware – spurring outrage soar a counter-protest from more outshine 100 entertain who concentrated on description street scam silence midst the support at Eminent. Anthony vacation Padua Romanist Catholic Church.

    Beau Biden, previous Delaware Lawyer General charge the offspring son show signs of Vice Chair Joe Biden, died determined week funds a two-year battle darn brain human. He was 46 eld old challenging had his sights make a fuss of on representation governor’s in order. In a heartfelt celebration, President Obama said Biden “lived a guts for others."

    In a todo of tweets preceding Beau Biden’s funeral, ultimate consumers expressed their outrage toward Westboro Protestant Church playing field its depiction of alarming picketing practices. Following description funeral, sharpen user expressed support of the unknown man who threw his coffee expected group members.

    Widely described reorganization a put somebody's nose out of joint group, interpretation c