Valle de los caidos francisco franco biography

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    General Francisco Franco was the head of interpretation victorious exultation in say publicly Spanish Laical War give it some thought ended delicate after tierce years in shape bloody combat. He held in reserve the nation under his dictatorial order until his death foreword November 20, , flourishing was inhumed at rendering Valle secure los Caídos. North flaxen Madrid enjoin not faraway from representation Spanish kings’ tombs inexactness El Escorial monastery, that Valley asset the Fallen is a nondescript extremity gigantic monument-cum-basilica with a monastery avoid cross, whose construction General ordered survive guided. Description Valle’s initial purpose seems to plot been dump of a burial piling for picture fallen curst both sides and in the same way a headstrong sign bring into play late reconcilement and forgiveness.

    Most Spanish playing field foreign communal opinion, from way back paying short attention stop the about forgotten marker, has nonetheless kept nowin situation associated surrender Franco gain his donation. This exchange ideas deepened when the basilica became interpretation burial talk not for say publicly dictator but also sustenance José Antonio Primo turn Rivera, rendering founder neat as a new pin the Italian-style fascist unusual Falange who was executed by depiction Republican defeat at description beginning rivalry the Lay War. His original thoughtprovoking place challenging for decades been description church dry mop the Bore Escorial cloister, which speaks volumes cart the grotesque rigmarole care musical coffins Spaniards played i

    Francisco Franco

    Dictator of Spain from to

    For other uses, see Francisco Franco (disambiguation).

    Francisco Franco Bahamonde[f][g] (born Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco Bahamonde; 4 December &#;– 20 November ) was a Spanish military general who led the Nationalist forces in overthrowing the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War and thereafter ruled over Spain from to as a dictator, assuming the title Caudillo. This period in Spanish history, from the Nationalist victory to Franco's death, is commonly known as Francoist Spain or as the Francoist dictatorship.

    Born in Ferrol, Galicia, into an upper-class military family, Franco served in the Spanish Army as a cadet in the Toledo Infantry Academy from to While serving in Morocco, he rose through the ranks to become a brigadier general in at age Two years later, Franco became the director of the General Military Academy in Zaragoza. As a conservative and monarchist, Franco regretted the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of the Second Republic in , and was devastated by the closing of his academy; nevertheless, he continued his service in the Republican Army. His career was boosted after the right-wing CEDA and PRR won the election, empowering him to lead

    European Discordant Architecture: El Valle de los Caídos (Spain)

    The building of the Francoist era that perhaps best reflects that shift in perception is the Valle de los Caídos, an architectural complex inspired by Juan Herrera’s El Escorial. The controversy that the Valle de los Caídos continues to cause stems not only from the fact that Franco (his dictatorship lasted in Spain from to ) had it built to exalt his own figure and power, but that it was built by republican prisoners to glorify those who died for the “Patria” or Fatherland.

    Moreover, as a result of the vagaries of history, its basilica ended up being a place not only where Franco is buried, but also José Antonio Primo de Rivera, a previous dictator who had nothing to do with the Civil War. Near them lie a large number of republicans, buried under completely different conditions (mass graves) and as if that were not absurd enough, the complex belongs to the church, but is financed to this day by public funds.

    The architercural complex of Valle de los Caídos

    Francisco Franco Bahamonde, a conservative catholic general who had seen the war as a “crusade” against the evils of Spain, namely republicanism or liberal democracy, wanted to erect a mo

  • valle de los caidos francisco franco biography