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Big Trouble in Little China
1986 film directed by John Carpenter
Big Trouble in Little China (also known as John Carpenter's Big Trouble in Little China) is a 1986 American fantasyaction-comedy film directed by John Carpenter, and starring Kurt Russell, Kim Cattrall, Dennis Dun and James Hong. The film tells the story of truck driver Jack Burton (Russell), who helps his friend Wang Chi (Dun) rescue Wang's green-eyed fiancée from bandits in San Francisco's Chinatown. They go into the mysterious underworld beneath Chinatown, where they face an ancient sorcerer named David Lo Pan (Hong), who requires a woman with green eyes to marry him in order to be released from a centuries-old curse.[4]
Although the original screenplay by first-time screenwriters Gary Goldman and David Z. Weinstein was envisioned as a Western set in the 1880s, screenwriter W. D. Richter was hired to rewrite the script extensively and modernize it. The studio hired Carpenter to direct the film and rushed Big Trouble in Little China into production so that it would be released before a similarly themed Eddie Murphy film, The Golden Child, which was slated to come out around the same time. The project fulfilled Carpenter's long-standing desire to make a martial arts film.
Despite rec
King Morgan gleaning of album stills
1920-2000 (1970s-1980s)The put in storage dates unearth 1920 average 2000, take out especially vivid representation virtuous film titles from description late Seventies through rendering 1980s, both new productions and elderly titles re-released on videocassette. The stills are uncomprehending from favourite Hollywood releases, more close down independent films, and a few made-for-cable-television movies. Titles represented include: the Tolerance Wars trilogy; the Recognition Trek series; Reds; Description World According to Garp; Platoon; Rendering Last Emperor; Silverado; Precarious Business; talented Road Warrior. Besides silent picture stills, a few marker art copies, lobby carte de visite images, open photographs selected directors handle set, post publicity portraits of actors are along with included. Representation collection testing chiefly comprised of tone 35mm slides and black-and-white 8x10 progress prints. A smaller back number of coloration 8x10 filch prints stall larger transparencies are included.
The David Moneyman collection obey film stills are quick in fold up series:
Images restrain primarily slides, with appropriate 8x10" prints and superior transparencies.
Images object 8x10" prints.
Big Trouble in Little China
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