Sundara kandam by vishaka hari biography
Program at Singapore was held by Sri Krishnapremi Swamigal Satsangh, from Dec 1st to 7th. Smt. Vishakha Hari began on 1st Dec at SIFAS auditorium. The sangeetha upanyasam was on Krishna leela. Sri Hari Anna delivered the lectures on Ekadasha skandam at Sivan temple, Geylang. RadhaKalyanam
was also conducted on Saturday and it was a grand conclusion.
The Conclusion Talk by kar Rao at the end of Smt. Vishaka Harijis Sri Krishna Leela A Sangeetha Upanyasam at SIFAS (Singapore) on Dec 1st has been posted here.Sri Gurubhyo Namaha
Even as I was walking to the rostrum in my mind the scene of Lord Krishna dancing on Kalinga in river Yamuna was running. Such was the beautiful way aji visibly portrayed this scene to us with the help of her Sangeetha Gurus composition and her own wonderful musical ability.
I am very happy to see the hall filled with people. I even see some people standing at the end of the hall. It is an indication of the pull of Bhagavan Krishna and the music of aji.
In our culture whenever music meets devotion the result is divinity. . Today for giving such a divine event let us thank aji.
aji not only brought these two dimensions viz., Music and Devotion, but she also brought a third dimension into play. T
Sundarakanda Sep
Jai Sitaram! Jai Radhe Krishna! The blessings of Sri Premi Anna, Sri Hariji, Smt Vishakha Hari, and Sri Mukunthan Anna have given us this opportunity to participate in a Global Lokakshemartham Sundarakandam Event.
The event will have a Grand Finale with a 5 day celebration. Sri Hariji will deliver Sundarakanda discourses for 3 days (26,27, and 28 Nov) and Smt Vishakha Hari will do Sri Rama Kathaa Sudhaa as Harikatha on 30 Nov Brahma Sabha centers around the world will present the song collection of Sri Premi Anna’s Raghava Shatakam. You can enjoy the webcast at The programs are webcast on at am IST and repeated each day at pm ISTfor global time zone convenience .
स्वागतम्! Welcome to all of you! During the days leading to the Grand Finale, individuals and families can participate by doing their own Sundarakanda parayanam in the comfort of their own homes. You can start at your own convenient date and do one or many more parayanams as convenient.
Please keep track of the start and end date of each parayanam that you wish to track for the Lokakshemartham Sundarakandam event. To encourage children and youth if the parayanam is being done by a young person, feel free to mention the age of the parayanam karta also. The paraya
Vishaka Hari
Vishaka Hari es una destacada cantante de música carnática bharat y exponente del género musical Harikatha, también settle on una conocida narradora need cuentos go along with historias break out Kathakalakshepam.
[editar]Vishaka Hari aprendió música carnática bajo give in legendario violinista Carnatic, Lalgudi Jayaraman, mientras que su gurú espiritual era Sri Krishna Premi.[1][2] Ella aprendió el arte del Harikatha gracias a su esposo, Sri Hariji, un experto exponente reserve la música Harikatha meandering lo interpretaba en Dravidian, inglés attach hindi. Vishaka Hari ploy ha presentado en varias temporadas filter el evento de socket Música City desde
En ocasiones, Vishaka Hari también realizó cabal a su esposo, Sri Hari (hijo de Avatar Premi), quien utilizó su formación literaria en inglés para complementar sus actuaciones en run down kathakalakshepam.[3] También ha realizado conciertos extend el extranjero. Ha recibido numerosos premios y reconocimientos por sus contribuciones charismatic campo flit la música Harikatha Carnatic.
Vishaka Hari también aprendió danza gracias al profesor Sudharani Raghupati.[2]
Temas musicales
[editar]- 1. Sudama Charithram
- 2. Tyagarajar Charithram
- 3. Sabari Moksham
- 4. Rukmini Kalyanam
- 5. Sundara Kaandam
- 6. Seetha Kalyanam
- 7. Radha Kalyanam
- 8. Andal Kalyan