Sindrome de marfan fotos tumblr
Homocystinuria, comparison join Marfan's syndrome - Communal Practice
Lens dislocation:
- Marfan’s - aloft & external lens disruption (up &out)
- Homocyst in uria - downward & inward organ dislocation (down & in)
- inheritance:
- Marfan’s - autosomal dominant
- homocystinuria - autosomal recessive
- aortic incompetence:
- Marfan’s - aortal incompetence possibly will occur
- homocystinuria - heart infrequently affected
- intellectual development:
- Marfan’s - normal
- homocystinuria - accommodate retardation
- other fundamental features:
- Marfan’s - flat booth, herniae, scoliosis; there remains a 50% reduction make out life expectancy
- homocystinuria - osteoporosis, recurrent thromboembolism; characteristic lab features - plasma methionine and homocystine levels desire elevated, homocystine is excreted in picture urine, ecf cystine levels are compromise, positive weewee cyanide-nitroprusside test; response halt treatment give way pyridoxine
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Marfan Awareness Month
Esta foto es un triunfo. Este blog me ayudó a canalizar mi bronca/depresión provocada por las enfermedades, por Annie. También me hizo más fácil poder hablar con mis amigos y familia sobre lo que son 5 enfermedades crónicas; y ayudar y que me ayuden chicos de toda América Latina dando testimonios y consejos tanto ellos a mi como yo a ellos. Esta foto representa al triunfo mio sobre Annie. Hoy después de 6 años diagnosticada y 15 años enferma, pude correr por primera vez, 300 metros. Esa sonrisa es la demostración de que Annie no va a ganar otra vez en mi cuerpo, va a poder tener su lugar pero no la voy a dejar tirarme en la cama. Hace 5 años comencé a caminar cada día un poquito más, sin importar si era 31 de diciembre, 1 de enero, o si estaba de vacaciones, todos los días era salir a caminar un poquito más. Hoy corrí por primera vez, 300 metros, por qué no más? Porque las rodillas no me dieron? Porque los pulmones no me dejaron? No, porque empecé a sonreír tanto tanto que me olvidé de respirar, tanta felicidad me invadió que me olvidé lo que estaba haciendo. Después de 5 años, volví a tener el cabello largo porque ya no tengo medicamentos que hacen que se me caiga a montones, aprendí a quererme y ponerme primera a mi, cuidarme yo y ser egoísta con los
#marfan syndrome
i hate when people who dont have marfans make/headcanon characters with marfans as some quirky trait. i really do, i've seen it a lot in my life as someone who was diagnosed at 3 with the condition and it honestly grinds my gears they always do the most stereotype-y traits, or ignore how much of a struggle it is to live with marfans, or how marfans can fuck up your body further by just how much shit it causes.
to put it into perspective, i got tagged like a fucking animal at school because they didnt want to take too much care into explaining that i needed extra care if something happened, or that people should be gentle with me because i could die on school grounds. ive sat cooped up in my home most of my life, i've only been on a fair ride once because getting on a roller coaster could harm me as well. i need help walking or getting around because my body cant always handle it, i have other problems due to marfans that have hurt me greatly for my entire life.
i'm slowly going blind from marfans and theres nothing a doctor can do that will stick. i risk aortic dissection simply by being hit in the chest, i used to be afraid of going to bed because if anything hit my chest too hard i could literally fucking die then and there, because