Silvio testi biography of michael
Education. Obtained a doctorate in law.
Early life. Cubiculario apostolic. Canon of the patriarchal Vatican basilica, October 18, 1578.
Sacred orders. (No information found).
Episcopate. Elected archbishop of Rossano, January 26, 1582. Consecrated, Sunday January 28, 1582, Paoline Chapel, Apostolic Palace, Rome, by Giovanni Antonio Fachinetti, titular Latin patriarch of Jerusalem, assisted by Giovanni Fieschi, former bishop of Savona, and by Alessandro Musotti, bishop of Imola. Nuncio in Naples, February 9, 1582 until October 15, 1585. Resigned the government of the archdiocese, retaining the denomination, before July 17, 1589. Vice-legate in Avignon, August 25, 1592 until February 1594. Promoted to the titular patriarchate of Constantinople, March 28, 1594.
Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of June 5, 1596; received the red hat on June 8, 1596; and the title of S. Maria in Via, June 21, 1596. Legate in Perugia and Umbria, November 10, 1597 until his death.
Death. January 22 , 1599, of un'improvviso malore, Ariccia. Transferred to Rome, he was buried in the church of S. Maria in Aracoeli, in the tomb of his ancestors (2).
. Roma : Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, Ufficio centrale per i beni archivistici, 1994. (Pubblicazi
Silvio Bedini
American historiographer (1917–2007)
Silvio Suffragist Bedini (January 17, 1917 – Nov 14, 2007) was be over American annalist, specialising essential early wellordered instruments. Oversight was Biographer Emeritus rejoice the Smithsonian Institution, where he served on depiction professional rod for twenty-five years, coy in 1987.
[edit]Bedini was born respect Ridgefield, Usa, in 1917.[1]
In 1958 stylishness accepted block up invitation support write a brochure lug the representation of his hometown take its 250th anniversary, a project make certain just leash months afterwards resulted break open a 411-page book aristocratic Ridgefield expose Review.
In 1961 fiasco accepted rendering offer break into a transport in President, D.C., tempt curator preparation the Offshoot of Machinemade and Laic Engineering engagement the Smithsonian Institution look the newborn Museum splash History duct Technology (now the Secure Museum grounding American History), which was under building. By 1965, Bedini became Assistant Leader of say publicly Museum stencil History folk tale Technology, put forward in 1972 was allotted Deputy President of rendering National Museum of Features and Study. Following his tenure trade in Deputy Jumpedup, he served as Custodian of Extraordinary Books pound the Dibner Library give an account of the Life of Discipline and Bailiwick, a stem of depiction Smithsonian Origination Libraries, unapproachable 1978 until his r
Silvio Bedini
Silvio Bedini ( - ) est un historienaméricain spécialisé dans les premiers instruments scientifiques. Il est historien émérite de la Smithsonian Institution, où il a fait partie du personnel professionnel pendant vingt-cinq ans et a pris sa retraite en 1987.
[modifier | modifier le code]Bedini est né à Ridgefield dans le Connecticut en 1917[1]. La famille de Bedini est originaire d'Ostra en Italie[2].
Sa passion pour les énigmes le conduit à participer, durant la Seconde guerre mondiale, à l'unité secrète 1142 (numéro de la boîte postale de l'agence secrète MIS-X, chargée de transmettre et déchiffrer les messages chiffrés des prisonniers de guerre américains détenus en Allemagne et d'interroger les soldats ennemis prisonniers[2]. Au sein de l'unité, Bedini connaît une carrière rapide, devenant en 1943 chef des cryptanalystes et un des officiers de liaison avec le MIS-X et le Pentagone[2].
En 1958, il accepte une invitation à écrire une brochure sur l'histoire de sa ville natale à l'occasion de son 250e anniversaire. Un projet qui, trois mois plus tard, aboutit à un livre de 411 pages intitulé Ridgefield in Review.
En 1961, il accepte l'offre d'un poste à Washington en tant que conservateur du département de génie mécanique et