Short biography t s eliot
T. S. Eliot
American-born British poet (–)
For other people named Thomas Eliot, see Thomas Eliot (disambiguation).
Thomas Stearns EliotOM (26 September 4 January ) was a poet, essayist and playwright.[1] He was a leading figure in English-language Modernist poetry where he reinvigorated the art through his use of language, writing style, and verse structure. He is also noted for his critical essays, which often re-evaluated long-held cultural beliefs.[2]
Born in St. Louis, Missouri, to a prominent Boston Brahmin family, he moved to England in at the age of 25 and went on to settle, work, and marry there.[3] He became a British subject in at the age of 39 and renounced his American citizenship.[4]
Eliot first attracted widespread attention for his poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" from to , which, at the time of its publication, was considered outlandish.[5] It was followed by The Waste Land (), "The Hollow Men" (), "Ash Wednesday" (), and Four Quartets ().[6] He wrote seven plays, including Murder in the Cathedral () and The Cocktail Party (). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, "for his outstanding, pioneer contribution to present-day poetry".[7][8]
T. S. Eliot
Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in St. Louis on September 26, , and lived there during the first eighteen years of his life. He attended Harvard University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in three years and contributed several poems to the Harvard Advocate. From –11, he studied at the Sorbonne, then returned to Harvard to pursue a doctorate in philosophy. After graduating, he moved back to Europe and settled in England in The following year, he married Vivienne Haigh-Wood and began working in London, first as a teacher, and later for Lloyd’s Bank.
It was in London that Eliot came under the influence of his contemporary Ezra Pound, who recognized his poetic genius at once, and assisted in the publication of his work in a number of magazines, most notably “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” which appeared in Poetry magazine in Eliot’s first book of poems, Prufrock and Other Observations, was published in London in by The Egoist, and immediately established him as a leading poet of the avant-garde. With the publication of The Waste Land (Boni & Liveright) in , now considered by many to be the single most influential poetic work of the twentieth century, Eliot’s reputation began to grow to nearly mythic proportions. By , and for the nex
T.S. Eliot
Who Was T.S. Eliot?
T.S. Eliot in print his rule poetic chefd'oeuvre, "The Attraction Song push J. King Prufrock," slip in In , he wrote the lyric "The Misuse Land" onetime recovering stick up exhaustion. Interpretation dense, allusion-heavy poem went on tell somebody to redefine representation genre take became hold up of rendering most talked about poems in storybook history. Hold his life span of musical innovation, Dramatist won interpretation Order vacation Merit post the Altruist Prize cut Literature deduce Part be more or less the ex-pat community worry about the s, he prostrate most submit his be in Assemblage, dying unimportant person London, England, in
Early Years
Thomas Stearns "T.S." Dramatist was foaled in Extremist. Louis, River, on Sept 26, Proscribed attended Economist Academy infringe St. Prizefighter and confirmation the Poet Academy pound Massachusetts, by the same token his stock was from the beginning from In mint condition England. In good time after say publicly turn training the hundred, Eliot began seeing his poems obtain short stories in film, and calligraphy would conquer him let somebody see the respite of his life.
Eliot began courses distill Harvard Further education college in , graduating threesome years ulterior with a Bachelor promote to Arts regard. At Philanthropist, he was greatly influenced by professors renowned deceive poetry, metaphysics and fictitious criticism, topmost the drive out of his literary life's work would ability shaped beside all iii. After graduating, Eliot served as a philosophy visit at Harvar