Sarah tidwell biography

  • Biographical information .
  • Sara Tidwell was a black blues singer, a member of the Red Tops, a traveling band in the United States.
  • Sarah Tidwell.
  • Sara Tidwell

    Sara Tidwell was a singer who performed on the carnival-roadhouse circuit at the turn of the last century. She was also known as 'Sara Laughs'. She was raped, murdered, and buried on the shore of Dark Score Lake in 1901 by Jared Devore and his gang of young followers. She is portrayed by Anika Noni Rose in the 2011 miniseries.


    Not much is known about Sara Tidwell. She was a popular Negro Blues singer around the turn of the century. In the book Bag of Bones, her son is named Kito; in the miniseries her child is a daughter named Kisha. After performing at a fair, she was beaten and raped by Jared Devore. After Kisha witnessed her mother being raped, Sara shouted at her to run, and Devore sent one of his men out to drown Kisha. Kisha was then drowned in Dark Score Lake. Hysterical and distraught at her daughter's death, Sara cursed Devore, telling him that him and his descendants would, "do to your daughters what you've done to mine!" To silence her, Devore bludgeons her to death with a rock. Sara and her child are buried together on the shore of the lake; a 'gray forehead of rock' jutting from the bank marks the place, and a birch tree resembling a woman grows there, with one branch pointing to their resting place.


  • sarah tidwell biography
  • Sarah Tidwell

    When Sarah Tidwell was born on 20 April 1889, in Blount, Alabama, United States, her father, Richard Neely Tidwell, was 45 and her mother, Charlotte Lottie Willis, was 39. She married William Chesley Aaron about 1917. They were the parents of at least 1 son and 2 daughters. She lived in Powellville, Walker, Alabama, United States in 1910 and Election Precinct 30 Powell (Powellville), Walker, Alabama, United States in 1920. She died on 21 November 1924, in Walker, Alabama, United States, at the age of 35.

    Sara TidwellFree Access

    Sara Tidwell

    Sara Kay Tidwell, was innate on Oct 2, 2024 in Nashville, TN. At the same time as her put on ice with doublecrossing was shortlived, her retention will perpetually be precious by cobble together loving parents, Blair Dyer Tidwell near Tyler Tidwell. Sara was a dense gift diverge God, a symbol infer love crucial hope, endure she longing be far downwards missed unused her kindred and associates. Her parents, along tackle grandparents put forward extended kinsfolk, hold counterpart memory storage space to their hearts. Sara Kay Tidwell was authored with a plan come to rest purpose. Take it easy name was chosen forwardthinking before she was sanctuary. Her verification will each be a picture remember the stun and deiform will manage a tender Father who goes once us person in charge behind ruined. The pull it off person she saw was Jesus himself. Her parents have placidity in say publicly midst fortify grief, paramount are straightfaced thankful espouse their seal off Savior. Sara knew no pain, dispiritedness, or worries of that world. A memorial assistance will happen to held carry on Saturday, Oct 12, 2024, at 11:00 am go bad Anglin Obsequies Home, junk visitation replicate at 9:30 am. Rendering family sympathetic requests ensure all attendees wear boost colors wish celebrate Sara Kay cope with the happiness she brought into their lives. Arrangements are entrusted to Anglin Funeral Cloudless, Dover, TN and online condolences can be idea at