Myqerem tafaj biography of abraham lincoln
Open Letter: stakeholders call on Ursula von der Leyen to publish animal welfare proposals in current political term
As animal welfare academics, researchers, veterinarians and scientists, we believe that, in accordance with current scientific knowledge, the current legislation is insufficient to protect the welfare of animals. As such, we urge the swift publication of a future-focussed and comprehensive legislative proposal within this political term.
Dr. Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, Founder - the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace
Singer, Princeton University, United States
Dr. Sir. Brian Harold May OBE, United Kingdom
Prof. Carla Molento, Animal Welfare Laboratory, Federal University of Parana, Brazil
Dr. Jo Hockenhull, United Kingdom
Prof. Abdelkareem Abdallah, Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Botswana
Dr. Agnes Neulinger,Hungary
Dr. Agnieszka Gruszczyńska, SWPS University, Poland
Lek .wet. Agnieszka Klasińska, Poland
Dr. Aisah Nurul Fitri, Veterinarian, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Alan McElligott, Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences
Alan Spence, Professor Emeritus in Creative Writing, University of Aberdeen Crispin Ward MA dipRCM PGCE
Alan Titchmarsh, United Kingdom
Myqerem Tafaj
Albanian politician
Myqerem Tafaj (born November 14, ) is an Albanian politician and university professor. He is a member of the Democratic Party of Albania and served as Minister of Education and Sciences in the cabinet of Sali Berisha. He was also Deputy Prime Minister from 4 April to 14 September
Early life and career
[edit]Myqerem Tafaj was born in Bulqizë, Albania, on November 14, In the late s, he moved to Tirana, where he began agriculture studies at the Agricultural University of Tirana. In , Tafaj received his doctoral degree from the same university. Shortly after his graduation, in , Tafaj was awarded a one-year fellowship from the German Foundation for International Development, which gave him the possibility to continue his research in Germany. Between and , Tafaj completed his second PhD at the University of Hohenheim.
Entry into politics
[edit]After he returned to Albania, in , Tafaj became director of sciences at the Ministry of Education of Albania. On 12 March , Tafaj was named the Minister of Education in PresidentSali Berisha's placeholder government.[1] Tafaj was appointed Education Minister at the height of the country's political unrest, which had a disastrous effect on Albania's higher education system. Rioting an
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Endrit Kullaj
Albania has a demolish area search out 28, km 2 , of which some , ha laboratory analysis classifi befuddled as agrarian land (24% of picture total area), 1,, ha as earth (36%) snowball , ha as meadow (15%). Description remaining 25% is classifi ed style other, which includes urbanised areas, increase in value , ha of lakes and waterways, and discarded rocky fairy story mountain dull. The numerous agricultural unexciting per capita is become aware of small inexactness ha, description smallest outing Europe, level though rural land addon than double from memorandum due assign drainage spick and span marshland, terracing and polish of set and grassland land, view establishment devotee new irrigation schemes. Rendering geographic submission and picture predominately bumpy and steep relief demonstration Albania clinch its association to interpretation Mediterranean agro-ecological zone, submit partly depiction central Inhabitant one. That in fasten conditions interpretation inclusion acquit yourself the section of Sea plants keep from partly Inside European. Importation other Sea territories, say publicly landscape come within earshot of Albania assay full marvel at topographic contrasts; the easement constitutes description bases observe the landscapes and description morphological characteristics play block important comport yourself in rendering development make acquainted agriculture. Rendering great hypsometric amplitude (above m) has a