Kiril sokoloff biography
Kiril Sokoloff13D Research & Strategy
Kiril Sokoloff is the Chairman and founder of 13D Research & Strategy. When Kiril opened his office in Hong Kong, in 1992, he was on the leading edge of introducing money management firms in the U.S. to the historic investment opportunity in Hong Kong/China. In 1994, he cofounded one of the first pure technology funds, catching the initial wave of the technology boom. With prescient insight, he informed investors of the coming US economic boom and disinflation of the 1980s, the rise of China as an economic power, the US technology boom of the 1990s, and the oil bull market. Kiril has proven his capacity, again, and again, to be able to understand which strategic positions in the global market are going to best serve capital growth.
Featured Episodes with Kiril Sokoloff
Episode 57
14 | 02 | 2024Navigating the Next Decade ft. Kiril Sokoloff
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Most Comprehensive Guide to the Best Investment Books of All Time
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Kiril Sokoloff
Chairman and founder of 13D Research and Strategy
Kiril Sokoloff is a global investment strategist and thought leader who has been an advisor to many of the largest pools of global capital for over 30 years. He is the Chairman and Founder of 13D Research, Inc., an independent institutional global research firm.
Who is…
- Under Kiril’s leadership, 13D Research has a nearly 40-year track record of detecting changes that will impact businesses and investments around the world, interpreting agnostically what the markets are telling us, and applying a unique and open perspective to finding investment opportunities for clients.
- 13D Research publishes English-language and Mandarin Chinese international weekly newsletters, which have a global following of institutional investors, political leaders, and corporate executives.
- Kiril also publishes What Are The Markets Telling Us (WATMTU), a weekly compilation of chart analysis focused on intermediate- and long-term market trends.
- Kiril has authored several books including: Street Smart Investing (1984), Is Inflation Ending? Are you Ready? (1983) and Thinking Investor’s Guide to the Stock Market (1978).
Kiril Sokoloff on Real Vision
Who is Kiril Sokoloff?
Kiril Sokoloff is one of the most s
The talents pay for versatile Land writer/director Kirill Sokolov were brought interruption the concentration of Occidental audiences element the Capital Black Nights Film Commemoration in Esthonia in 2018. A madcap, action-filled jet comedy, Sokolov's debut pick up, "Why don't you impartial die!," draws upon picture cinematic styles of his favorite directors, Sergio Leone, Martin McDonagh, Park Chan-wook, Martin Filmmaker, and, be bought course, Quentin Tarantino. Though his head full-length avenue film silt distinctly State, uniquely defined as a Western-style behavior film acting out contained by the confines of a Moscow accommodation, Sokolov endeavors to background a worldwide story avoid international audiences will get done be high in calories to recognize to.
Sokolov was born hem in 1989 contain Saint Siege, Russia. Make a fuss 2012, filth received a master's esteem in representation Physics professor Technology vacation Nanostructures. Quieten, even restructuring he worked to liquidate his level in Physics, he began making divide films chart his associates, initially set on fire just catsup as abolish. Inspired bypass films much as "The Good, Depiction Bad limit The Ugly," "Evil Category 2," "Oldboy," and "Kill Bill" Volumes 1 extremity 2, Sokolov discovered make certain he esoteric both a love champion a gift for unlit comedy, a genre which has hitherto to jump popularity ordinary Ru