Justin healey editor biography for kids

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  • This book examines child poverty from a global and Australian perspective.
  • Non Untruth 332 HEA C0530489205 Book
    Keith School Accord Library
    Matured Non Fabrication ISSUES IN Population C0506248627 Finished
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    Children's Device Fiction NF 332 HEA C0532511804 Book
    Lucindale School Accord Library
    Teenaged Non Story ISSUES IN Company ZVOL 462 332 HEA C0525680228 Delving and Referencing - Professor Resource Book Teacher Reserve ISSUES C0493596117 Collective Use Instructor Resource Semester loan Magazines 332 HEA C0525393693 Intersection Use Emergency supply
    Onkaparinga Libraries - Seaford Library
    Teenaged Non Story ISSUES IN Kinship C0526667639 Publication
  • justin healey editor biography for kids
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    • Rozelle, N.S.W. : Spinney Press, 2001
    • 44 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
    1876811544 (paperback)
    Issues in society (Balmain, N.S.W.) ; v. 145.

    Biodiversity is the variety of all living things, the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, the genetic information they contain and the ecosystems which they form. This book takes a detailed look at the state of biodiversity in Australia and around the globe, and explores the many threats to biodiversity.

    Full contents:
    • Chapter 1. Australia's Biodiversity: What is biodiversity?; State of the world's biodiversity; State of Australia's biodiversity; Facts of life - Australia; Australia's biodiversity; Land clearing remains the biggest single threat to biodiversity; Salinity: Rising salt destroying native bush and wetlands; Coral bleaching, climate change and the future of our reefs; Weeds threaten Australia's economy and biodiversity; Researchers probe environmental impact of GMOs; A hundred years of change ahead.
    • Chapter 2. Conserving Biodiversity: Conserving and protecting biodiversity;


      Reflections from the editor

      December 21, 2024

      Justin Healey reflects on three decades of editing and publishing the Issues in Society series.

      In late May 2022, The Spinney Press released its final new print and digital editions in the popular Issues in Society resource series after 30 years and 484 volumes.

      Volumes 479-484 are the last six titles in the series and represent some core topics of concern over the years: Asylum Seekers and Refugees, Indigenous Health and Wellbeing, Family Trends and Changes, Youth Crime and Justice, Self-harm and Suicide Prevention, and Gender and Equality.

      I have been overwhelmed by many kind farewell and thank-you messages from school librarians, some of whom have supported the series since it began in 1992, when it was rather short-sightedly called Issues for the Nineties! (The series became Issues in Society in 1998.)

      The publishing business has been gradually winding down due to health and family reasons.

      It has been an honour and a privilege to produce the Issues in Society series for so long – initially in tandem with my late mother Kaye Healey as editor for 8 years, then myself as editor/publisher for the last 22 years along with the invaluable expertise of a small team of long-term colleagues.

      Issues in Society has lo