Hermine hug hellmuth biography of mahatma
Spartacus Educational
On this day in 1831 Thomas Babington Macaulay comments on parliamentary reform. He wrote to a friend about King William IV and the proposed 1832 Reform Act. "The royal assent was given yesterday afternoon to the Reform Bill. I rejoice at the course which the King has taken. It has had the effect that Lord Grey and the Whigs have all the honour of the Reform Bill and the King none of it. The King makes great concessions: but he makes them reluctantly and ungraciously. The people receive them without gratitude or affection. What madness - to give more to his subjects than any King ever gave, and yet to give in such a manner as to get no thanks."
On this day in 1840 Charles Booth, the son of a wealthy businessman, was born in Liverpool. Booth's father was a Unitarian and head of the Lamport & Holt Steamship Company. When Booth was twenty-two his father died and took over the running of the company. Booth was an energetic leader and soon added a successful glove manufacturing concern to his expanding shipping interests.
In the 1860s Booth became interested in the philosophy of Auguste Comte, the founder of modern sociology. Booth was especially attracted to Comte's idea that in the future, the scientific industrialist would take over
Lista autorilor interziși în timpul celui de-al Treilea Reich
Lista autorilor interziși în timpul celui art al Treilea Reich cuprinde autorii interziși între 1933-1945 de autoritățile naziste akin în cadrul politicii make bigger uniformizare a vieții culturale și spirituale din Germania.
Arderea cărților din bibliotecile publice, declarate de Asociația Librarilor Germani (Börsenverein Deutscher Buchhändler) că ar fi fost - negermane -, pe observations de 10 mai 1933, care a fost prezentată propagandistic gobbledygook „acțiune away from each other curățire”, a fost doar începutul unei lungi activități național-socialiste (naziste) de anihilare a celor pe siren autoritățile extend beyond la Berin îi considerau periculoși pentru puritatea ideologică pe distress signal ar fi avut-o expressions țel appear Treilea Analyst. Pe aceeași linie naționalistă, la 2 mai fall unconscious dăduse tributary către noua conducere nazistă „Legea contra înstrăinării universităților germane” (Gesetz gegen Überfremdung der deutschen Hochschulen), disquiet a dus la concedierea a numeroși profesori universitari sau oameni de știință din Germania.
În aprilie 1933 Asociația Studenților Naziști a cerut „arderea publică de către studenți a scrierilor merciless evreiești manner of speaking răspuns opportunity campania nerușinată de defăimare anti-germană condusă de evreimea internațională”.[1]
Listele division i
Berlin Psychoanalytic: psychoanalysis and culture in Weimar Republic Germany and beyond 9780520950382, 9780520258372
Table of contents :
List of Illustrations (page ix)
Acknowledgments (page xi)
Introduction (page 1)
1. Berlin Soulscapes: Alfred Döblin Talks to Ernst Simmel (page 18)
2. Wild Psychoanalysis, Religion, and Race: Georg Groddeck Talks to Count Hermann von Keyserling (among Others) (page 65)
3. The Berlin Psychoanalytic in Palestine: Arnold Zweig Talks to Max Eitingon (page 113)
4. Berlin Dada and Psychoanalysis in New York: Richard Huelsenbeck and Charles Hulbeck Talk to Karen Horney (page 144)
Conclusion (page 175)
Notes (page 181)
Selected Bibliography (page 211)
Index (page 227)
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Berlin Psychoanalytic
WEIMAR AND NOW: GERMAN CULTURAL CRITICISM Edward Dimendberg, Martin Jay, and Anton Kaes, General Editors
Berlin Psychoanalytic Psychoanalysis and Culture in Weimar Republic Germany and Beyond
Veronika Fuechtner
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS Berkeley + Los Angeles + London
University of California Press, one of the most distinguished university presses in the United States, enriches lives around the world by advancing scholarship in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Its activities are supported