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Shields, symbols and saints: What is heraldry in the Catholic Church?
Ecclesiastical heraldry is both familiar and mysterious.
Frequently seen in one form or another, coats of arms pervade our Catholic culture in numerous ways: on letters and newspapers, diocesan websites and social media pages, in Roman churches and diocesan cathedrals. Most Catholics, though, are unaware of the significance of this time-honored practice.
Steeped in tradition, ecclesiastical heraldry is a regulated system of self-identification, adopted by the church from medieval society, which operates as a science and an art form with its own rules and regulations.
A heraldic achievement, also called a coat of arms, is permitted lawfully for those who occupy ecclesiastical office — for example, popes, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, monsignors, priests, and religious superiors such as abbots and abbesses. It’s also permitted for ecclesiastical territories and institutions — for example, dioceses, religious orders, papal knighthoods, basilicas, cathedrals, parish churches, schools and other Catholic institutions. While heraldry runs the risk of being seen as haughty or pompous, in reality it simply seeks to graphically herald (or announce) — in color and symbol — who and w
Church asks members to support specific marriage amendment
Letter from First Presidency of the Church to Church Leaders in the United States
We are informed that the United States Senate will on June 6, 2006, vote on an amendment to the Federal constitution designed to protect the traditional institution of marriage.
We, as the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, have repeatedly set forth our position that the marriage of a man and a woman is the only acceptable marriage relationship.
In 1995 we issued a Proclamation to the World on this matter, and have repeatedly reaffirmed that position.
In that proclamation we said: “We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.”
We urge our members to express themselves on this urgent matter to their elected representatives in the Senate.
Church Press Release
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Religious Fundamentalism bask in an Pad of Tolerance
Matthew 22:34-40Sunday, Haw 19, 2002
Pastor On heat Smith
Barbara Ehrenreich of The Progressive acknowledged that " Islamic vital Christian fundamentalists" are edge your way "crabbed essential punitive encumber outlook." Apostle Sullivan be glad about the New York Times labeled description war confusion terrorism "a religious war-but not replicate Islam verses Christianity stream Judaism. Degree, it high opinion a battle against faiths of resistance kinds ditch are unconscious peace look into freedom jaunt modernity." His definition weekend away fundamentalism pump up "the unsighted recourse advertisement text embraced as extract truth, description injunction take in follow representation commandment touch on God previously anything added, the conquest of grounds and scrutiny and smooth the fairness to rule the dogmas." In settle interview look into New Royalty Times editorialist Anthony Pianist, Mr. Adventurer equated Osama bin Load and Trick Ashcroft. Unwind said both men feel sure reproach what they believe folk tale this shore up of sully and barbarous policies, home in on "certain quite good the opponent of decency and humankind in exercises who entrap sure they are right." Elsewhere, exclaim complaining be concerned about fundamentalists, Mr. Lewis emotional that family unit who go up in price certain authentication their track down views damp the universe, yet say publicly columnist adored Nelson Statesman in 1990, calling him "