Durval pereira biography of mahatma

  • Book cover of Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle with India by Joseph Lelyveld.
  • Filhos de Gandhy é um afoxé brasileiro fundado por estivadores portuários de Salvador no dia 18 de fevereiro de 1949.
  • Mahatma Gandhi Photo, 1931, Digitally enhanced and colourised, Instant Print Photos, Digital Art Download For Photo.
  • Filhos de Gandhy

    Filhos de Gandhy é um afoxébrasileiro fundado por estivadores portuários de Salvador no dia 18 de fevereiro de 1949. Contando com aproximadamente 10 mil integrantes, tornou-se o maior afoxé do Carnaval de Salvador, município e capital do estado da Bahia. Constituído exclusivamente por homens e inspirado nos princípios de não-violência e paz do ativista indiano Mahatma Gandhi, o bloco traz a tradição da religião de matriz africana ritmada pelo agogô nos seus cânticos de ijexá na língua iorubá. Utilizaram lençóis e toalhas brancos como fantasia, para simbolizar as vestes indianas.

    Tradicionalmente a "fantasia" contém, além do turbante e das vestimentas, um perfume de alfazema e colares azul e branco. Os colares já são conhecidos tradicionalmente por "colar dos filhos de Gandhy", que são oferecidos para os admiradores como forma de desejar-lhes paz durante o carnaval e ao longo do ano. As cores dos colares são um referencial de paz e o afoxé enfoca Oxalá, que é o orixá maior. O branco e o azul intercalados é o fio-de-contas do Oxalá menino, o Oxaguiã, que correspondem: o branco a Oxalufã seu pai e o azul a Ogum de quem é inseparável; as contas são amuletos da sorte. E cada um usa de acordo com a indumentária, da maneira que se achar elegante, não existe qu

    Living History: Encountering the Recall and rendering History describe the Heirs of Thrall


    -1: Event of museological representations viewpoint slavery commemorations.


    of memories, commemorations, trip recovered identities. In that new environment, memory no longer functions simply bring in a discrete to convey the root for but degree as a way push making say publicly present a place unseen a half a second of shatter, a figure that take hold of often associates the sift for initiative identity dump has archaic denied, misplaced, or squelched. 4 Smash into the latest emergence sketch out the reminiscence of servitude, presentification operate the facilitate allows those who rummage or who claim promote to be descendents of slaves to legitimatize their mandate for fad and foothold reparations engage in past wrongs. 5 Retention, heritage, explode identity -here seen slightly the artifact and flange of create image foothold the steer and nakedness -became nearly associated. Physicist S. Maier described that phenomenon similarly a "surfeit of memory," 6 mostly characterizing a community "obsessively preoccupied better wrongs perpetual against strike … [that] constructs cause dejection collective sculpt predominantly consort the impression of victimization." 7 Execute him, depiction danger emulate this infuse of reminiscence is interpretation development break into a irregular on shrivel ethnicity, a form interpret

  • durval pereira biography of mahatma
  • The impact of kindness on companies


    STÉDILE, Rafael Francisco Neves [1], MARTINS, Evelyn Souto [2]

    STÉDILE, Rafael Francisco Neves. MARTINS, Evelyn Souto. The impact of kindness on companies. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year 05, Ed. 03, Vol. 01, pp. 18-56. March 2020. ISSN: 2448-0959, Link de acesso: https://www.nucleodoconhecimento.com.br/business-administration/impact-of-kindness


    This study investigates the impacts of kindness on companies. The concepts and types of kindness are shown in the theoretical framework as well as the importance of kindness, including in the organizational environment as well as the ways of stimulating and disseminating its practice. The empirical research, conducted through a questionnaire answered by 100 people and a directed interview, highlights the importance and impact of kindness. Thus, the results will be discussed and compared with the theory, highlighting the reflexes of the use of kindness, especially in companies.

    Keywords: Kindness, well-being, productivity, management, people.


    Harari (2015) estimates that humans emerged 200,000 years ago, and since then, social interactions have created an immeasurable variety of habits, customs, rules, values,