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In December of 2018, the biggest English-language newspaper in Nepal, the Kathmandu Post, published the first of six front-page, "above-the-fold" articles about me and the fire truck expedition. The catchy headlines read Watchmaker promising fire trucks has as series of dodgy financial dealings and a checkered past, and Using two passports, Michael Kobold evaded Nepali visa regulations, to name only two. The unprecedented amount of space afforded to the stories beneath the headlines implied to the reader that these stories must be of utmost national importance.
Newspaper editors spend hours deciding which stories to place on Page 1, and in which order of importance. There are certain rules to guide the editors in their daily decision-making process. The right-hand column, for instance, is always reserved for the most important story of the day. That’s unless the story is of such magnitude that it displaces all other news.
You’ll find the main or lead story in the farthest upper-right hand column. Why? Tradition. Newspapers used to appear on newsstands folded and displayed with their top right-hand quarter showing. They made up the front page with the lead story there to entice readers.You’ll find the second mo • Tree kangaroos, which live high up in the tall rainforest trees of New Guinea and Australia, are usually very hard to spot from the ground. But thermal drones, which detect animals from their body heat, can help find these animals quickly, a new study has found. In November 2024, Emmeline Norris, a Ph.D. student at James Cook University in Australia and the study’s lead author, was flying thermal drones from atop a 47-meter (154-feet) crane located in Daintree Rainforest Observatory, a research station run by the university in the Cape Tribulation rainforests. Norris was opportunistically searching for spectacled flying foxes, the focus of her Ph.D. But about 20 minutes into the first flight, she spotted two Bennett’s tree kangaroos (Dendrolagusbennettianus): one perched atop the canopy, and one below, eating some vines. The next morning, her drones revealed four more individuals. “It kind of blew my mind because I’d never seen them before in the wild,” Norris told Mongabay by phone. In all, the thermal drones detected six Bennett’s tree kangaroos across 17 hectares (42 acres) of the forest, without seemingly disturbing them. “It’s very impressive and shows the value of the methodology,” John Kan
Lula pushes oil drilling at mouth of Amazon despite climate risks