Boeienkoning houdini biography

  • Harry Houdini (1874-03-24 – 1926-10-31, aka Erich Weisz) one of the most famous magicians, escapologists, and stunt performers of all time.
  • De Amateur Boeien-Koning.
  • Nederlands: Omschrijving: Houdini(1874-1926) Was een Hongaars-Amerikaans goochelaar en boeienkoning.

  • My recent post about How "The Houdinis" became "Houdini" has raised the question of exactly when Houdini adopted his famous "King of Handcuffs" moniker. Some say it was Martin Beck who came up with the name when he signed Houdini to his Oprheum circut in 1899. Bill Kalush in The Secret Life of Houdini Laid Barestates that Houdini first used the billing in Joplin, Missouri in May 1898 (actually, the book contains a typo, 1889, which is impossible as Houdini was still Ehrich Weiss in 1889).

    But now Joe Notarohas found an even earlier mention in The Columbus Daily Advocatefor Tuesday, December 28, 1897. This was when Harry and Bess were traveling with the California Concert Co., a medicine show headed by "Dr." Thomas Hill that played the midwest.

    Columbus Daily Advocate, December 28, 1897.

    So is this the earliest use of "King of Handcuffs"? It certainly is a strong candidate. Bruce MacNab, an authority on Houdini's early career and the author of The Metamorphosis: The Apprenticeship of Harry Houdini, says that he has not come across anything earlier.

    The "King of Handcuffs" billing shows up again in May 1898 when the Houdinis are performing with the Welsh Bros. Circus. After Houdini signs with Martin Beck in March 1899, it becomes almost
  • boeienkoning houdini biography
  • Catalog 026 Houdiniana WEB PDF

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    Houdiniana Auction
    Featuring Personal Artifacts, Posters & Playbills,
    Handcuffs & Escape Devices, Books, Programs,
    Challenges, Correspondence, Ephemera,
    Scrapbooks, Autographs, Photographs
    Apparatus & Associated Magicana

    Saturday, August 23 2014 v 10:00 Am

    August 20 - 22 v 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

    Phone: 773-472-1442

    Potter & Potter Auctions, Inc.

    3759 N. Ravenswood Ave.
    -Suite 121-
    Chicago, IL 60613

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