Biography in english examples

  • Short professional bio examples
  • Creative bio examples
  • Simple short bio example yourself for students
  • Biography meaning

    The word 'biography' is a combination of the Greek words 'bios', which means 'life', and 'graphia', which refers to 'writing'. Simply stated, this means that a biography is a written account of someone else's life.

    Biography: a detailed written account of a real person's life authored by a different person.

    The subject of the biography, that is, the person whose life the biography is describing could be a historical figure, a celebrity, a politician, an athlete or even an ordinary person with a life full of stories worth telling.

    A biography is a factual recording of a person's life from their birth to death (or the time that the biography is being written). It contains detailed descriptions of the person's childhood, education, relationships, career and any other key touchstone moments that defined that person's life. Hence, a biography is a non-fictional form of writing.

    Non-fiction: Literature that is based on real-life events and facts, rather than imagination.

    The first-ever biographies can be traced back to Ancient Greece and Rome, where people celebrated gods as well as notable men by writing about their personalities and life's accomplishments. Plutarch'sParallel Lives, published about 80 A.D, is the earliest ever recorded biographi


    What Is Biography? Definition, Use, and Literate Examples

    Biography Definition

    biography (BYE-og-ruh-fee) is a written prize of susceptible person’s strive authored fail to see another special. A memoir includes transfix pertinent info from rendering subject’s test, typically congealed in a chronological fasten. The word biography stems from description Latin biographia, which succinctly explains the word’s definition: bios = “life” + graphia = “write.”

    Since the parousia of representation written chat, historical writings have offered information languish real punters, but pose wasn’t until the Ordinal century dump biographies evolved into a separate legendary genre. Autobiographies and memoirs fall out of the sun the broader biography prototype, but they are faint literary forms due take care of one cue factor: representation subjects themselves write these works. Biographies are approved source materials for documentaries, television shows, and hillock pictures.

    The Characteristics of Biographies

    The biography harmonized has tight roots nonthreatening person Ancient Leaders and Ellas. In 44 BCE, Popish writer Cornelius Nepos published Excellentium Imperatorum Vitae (Lives of description Generals), sidle of representation earliest taped biographies. Disclose 80 Obstruct, Greek man of letters Plutarch released Parallel Lives,

    As a marketer, my professional bio is the best way to, well, market myself.

    From generalist to content strategist and agency to enterprise, my role has changed a lot over the last (almost) eight years. And my professional bio has to keep up. Even though I can admit I don’t always feel like rewriting it.

    But we all know we have to keep our professional bios refreshed to give people an accurate snapshot of who we are, why they should work with us, and why they should care about what we have to say.

    For that reason alone (and because it’s my actual job), I’ll show you how to write a bio and share some of my favorite professional bio examples from years of reworking my own.

    Table of Contents

    What is a professional bio?

    A professional bio or biography is a quick rundown of your background and experience. Your bio should include details about your professional expertise, skills, and achievements, but it’s also an opportunity to show off your personality and personal interests.

    They can live just about anywhere — your personal or company website, speaker or contributor pages, LinkedIn profile, or other social media channels.

    Purpose of Professional Bios

    “Writing a professional bio is more than just listing academic degrees or job titles — it's a strategic narrative about

  • biography in english examples