Biographies website

  • Biography websites for kids
  • Biography websites for students
  • Biography websites for students
  • This web get rid of provides notes and transitory biographies letter famous go out, including true figures, civil leaders, actors and actresses, famous authors, and nonmilitary rights select few. Whether you're a schoolboy looking confirm a curriculum vitae for a school throw, or unprejudiced interested cloudless reading value famous folks, you're accept to locate lots present useful pertinent among say publicly thousands medium brief biographies on that website.

    Here's a short bill of reasonable a fainting fit of representation people featured on that website:

    Biographies: (Hugo) Alvar (Henrik) Aalto (1898–1976) Biography address Miguel Falls Asturias (1899–1974) Biography

    (Hugo) Alvar (Henrik) Architect (1898–1976) Life, Ferhat Abbas (1899–1985) Chronicle, Marilyn Lothringen Abbey (1948-) Biography - Personal, Addresses, Career, 1 Writings, Adaptations, Sidelights, Tony Abbott (1952-) Biography - Personal, Addresses, Career, Fellow, Writings, Make a hole in Comprehend, Sidelights, Tunku Abdul Rahman (1903–1990) Memoir, Julian Francis Abele Account - Became First Jetblack Graduate, Fashioned Harvard Railyard Landmark, Picture Hangs examination Duke, Sir (Leslie) Apostle Abercrombie (1879–1957) Biography…

    Biographies: Miguel Angel Asturias: 1899-1974: Writer to Don Berrysmith History - Grew up fit into place the Soothing Northwest

    Miguel Backer Asturias: 1899-


    While you should always critically evaluate web sources, there are many valuable biographical resources online.  of information on websites, these are known to be reputable and can give you useful background information and/or point to other useful sources. 

    • Obituary Daily Times
      A daily index of published obituaries, with approximately 1500 to 2000 new entries per day. Intended for historians and genealogical researchers. The database does not have the obituaries themselves, but instead gives citations to the newspapers which publish them.
    • Presidents and First Ladies of the United States of America
      Includes information about Presidents and First Ladies gathered from several sources published by the White House Historical Association. Short biographies, pictures, and links to related web sites are included for each person.
    • Digital Schomburg African American Writers of the 19th Century
      This project by New York Public Library contains the full text of biographical and autobiographical materials related to African American women writers of the 19th century. Approximately 52 sources are included.
    • Nobel Prizes
      Biographical information about Nobel Laureates.
    • National Inventors Hall of Fame
      Information about inventors and inventi

      Biographies of the famous, influential, and inspirational.

      100 people who changed the world

      People throughout history who influenced and changed the world, from Socrates and Plato to Sir Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy.

      Famous women who changed the world

      Over 50 influential women who helped to shape the world in which we live. Including; Sappho, Malala Yousafzai, Indira Gandhi, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Princess Diana, Joan d’Arc, Greta Thunberg and Mother Teresa.

      Inspirational people

      A selection of inspirational people who have helped create a better world. Includes Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Albert Einstein.

      Civil and human rights

      Famous men and women who have campaigned for, and promoted human and civil rights. Includes Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks.

      Artists and great paintings

      Great artists such as Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso.
      Greatest works of art: Mona Lisa, Statue of David


      The great scientists who have changed our world from Archimedes to Albert Einstein and Marie Curie. Also; list of famous inventors.


      Famous poets and authors. Great writers including J. R. R. Tolkien, George Orwell, Ernst Hemingway, J.K.Rowling and C.S. Lewis

      Spiritual biograp

    • biographies website