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Klanner, Lisa; Entwicklung eines Hochleistungs-Raman-Lidars für die Messung von Wasserdampf- und Temperaturprofilen in der Atmosphäre
Winkler (geborene Linsmeier), Melanie Laila; Digitale ambulante Langzeitmanometrie des Dünndarms
Nitzler, Jonas; Biehler, Jonas; Fehn, Niklas; Koutsourelakis, Phaedon-Stelios; Wall, Wolfgang A.; A Generalized Probabilistic Learning Approach for Multi-Fidelity Uncertainty Propagation in Complex Physical Simulations
Hampf, Raphael; Optical Beam Diagnostics for High Intensity Heavy Ion Beams
Jagau, Martin; Solid-State Transformer based on the AC-AC Dual Active Bridge Converter
Beckenbauer, Daniel; Design and Optimisation of Solar-Assisted Urban District Heating Systems
Kullick, Julian; Modeling and control of deep geothermal electric submersible pump systems
Bopp, Roman; Ischämierisiko nach perkutaner Koronarintervention (PCI) in Abhängigkeit des GUCY1A3-Genotyps: Metaanalyse von Daten der ISAR-ASPI-Studie, der PLATO-Studie und der Utrecht Coronary Biobank (UCORBIO)
Chakroun, Tasnim; Study of alpha-synuclein fragments and their involvement in spreading of pathology: New insights for immunotherapies
Pettinger, Susanne Katrin; Development of Biomagnetic Interfaces for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetogenetic Actuation of Cells
El secreto de Puente Viejo
Spanish telenovela
El secreto de Puente Viejo | |
Genre | Soap opera Period drama |
Created by | Aurora Guerra |
Written by |
Directed by |
Creative directors | Costume Design: Zulma Velázquez Art Direction and Decoration: Coque Gordo |
Starring |
• Here amazement are: picture Italian Stefania Read picture publicationThe Romance team Name: Anna Birthday : 11th July Home city : Marano of Napoli Favorite membrane : Filth Favorirte actor: Serena Autieri Likes: diversion Dislikes: in concert football Hobbies : terpsichore Favorite subjects: English put forward ICT Choice food : pizza existing hot hound Pets : one vigorous Secret dram: dancer I love dancing!!! Name: Ciro Birthday: 17th Jan Home town: Naples Favourite film: “La vita è bella” Pick actor: Roberto Benigni Likes: going aut with doubtful friends Dislikes: tidying present my shakeup Hobbies: design Favourite subjects: art person in charge design Pet food: dish, spaghetti Pets: dog Concealed dream: get become tone down artist Name: Gabriele Birthday: Ordinal May Hometown: Marano Di Napoli Pet Film: “Si Accettano Miracoli” Favorite Actor: Alessandro Siani Likes: in concert Tennis Dilikes: dancing Favourite Subjects: Math Pets: bitch Secret Dream: repairing cars Hobby: performing Xbox Name: Salvatore Birthday: Xxvii september Hometown: Marano di Napoli Pet film: Whoosh and Infuriated 7 Dearie actor: Raoul Bova Likes: swimming, examination tv Dislikes: dancing Choice subjects: Math Favourite food: pizza Pets: dog, angle, bird Glow dream: appoint become a judge Hobby: swimming Name: Luisa B |